Designed by our Board of Directors for those who want a unique Giving Experience throughout the Thanksgiving Season. We are truly grateful for all who continue to support the missions of Hearts and Hands for Jesus!
Greetings to you from Limon, Costa Rica! It is already the middle of September and time is passing by so quickly. We would like to update you with some of the highlights of the last few months. Through your help we were able to support two of our youth and four indigenous youth from the BriBri area in the NIKKO Camp with our missionary friends Alex and Julia Gonzalez. This camp is to develop leadership skill, team skills,survival training, and deepening their relationship with God through faith and trust by recognizing His presence. Our hope is these young men and women will use this training to help other youth in their community and church to know Jesus!
August is always a very busy month as we celebrate Mother's Day and the Afro-Caribbean Heritage of Costa Rica. We at Harvest Tabernacle had another surprise God encounter when God connected us with a Young Man of Nigerian descent, Akintunde Sowunmi, who lives in the US and is studying engineering. Tunde spoke with us at our Friday, Bible Study. He shared about growing up and his special relationship with his mother explaining how her prayers changed and impacted his life even to this day. It touched the hearts of all the mother's present and the youth. What made this even more special is that he did not know that we were celebrating Mother's Day in the coming days. At the end of our meeting we prayed for mothers and for children who do not have that relationship with their mother. August is also the Annual Ecumenical Conference of McDougall International Inc. founded by Rev. Yvonne McDougall Hall. This year we celebrated 15th Anniversary of this ministry. The mission of McDougall International is “Reaching the World for Jesus, Who is the Christ; One Step at a Time.” Both Crosby and I serve on the Interdenominational Committee here in Limon. This ministry has helped support our church and community through workshops, ministry, and outreaches. This year five or our youth participated in the liturgical dance workshop. They then taught the younger youth and children at our church what they have learned. Our youth and children also participated in the youth night service by sharing a song and dance, “Every Move I Make”. On the day of outreach Crosby and I led the group at the children's home in Limon. At the closing celebration banquet Rev. Yvonne honored two of our oldest members Sister Elizabeth and Sister Maggie, recognizing their faithful participation in the conference through the years. We are so grateful to be able to help this ministry for all that they do and pray that God will continue to provide, lead, and guide them as they take “One Step at a Time.” We had a wonderful day celebrating Children's Day at Harvest Tabernacle. We sang songs that the older folks sang in church growing up and then new songs that the younger children are learning today. It always amazes me watching Sister Elizabeth who is 101 this year and our little toddlers doing the same motions touching their toes and reaching to the heavens at the same time. Several older members of the church shared what it was like for them growing up and the comparison to the lives of children today. For example No phones, no tv, only fish and shrimp to eat, going to church in their finest clothes, and sitting in the front row for Sunday School. We also celebrated the dedication of our newest member in our church family, Krisphanie Ruiz Smith. Each child and youth were presented with a bag of goodies. We all enjoyed celebrating being a child of God! Our students are busy studying and preparing for the end of our school year 2019. Again international strikes have disrupted their education, but they continue to move forward with the school year ending the second week of December. This year through your gifts, the education outreach program of our mission helped 127 students from pre-kindergarten through university. A total of 38 of these students will be graduating to the next level of education; moving into university, high school, middle school, or primary; with 14 of these students from Harvest Tabernacle! Very few of our adult members were able to complete a primary education. We are so excited we are able to help break obstacles for these families and give hope for a better future. Each of the graduating students must purchase a graduation packet in order to participate in the graduation programs. You can help make this a reality for these youth and children. Please prayerfully consider sponsoring a child for graduation, participating in Giving Tuesday or joining in our Month of Thankfulness Giving Calendar this November. BECAUSE OF YOU I am celebrating 20 Years of pastoring and Crosby and I are celebrating 20 Years of full time mission work!!! Twenty years ago God clearly spoke the following scripture to me, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given to you. This is to my Father's Glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples!” John 15:7-8 Much has been accomplished in these past 20 years all to the Glory of our Lord and Savior. Educational barriers have been broken. Many have come into relationship with God and Serve him faithfully. Work teams have shared their gifts within the community of Limon; digging wells, adding rooms to homes, putting in ceilings so homes would be cooler, free eye exams, sharing their faith and testimony. Families have received plants and fresh fruits, vegetables and staples. Gifts of clothing have been shared. Community members have been taught new skills such as sewing and cooking. Those that had only received found joy in giving through participation in missions trips. A new sense of pride and confidence has developed in individuals that had previously felt shame. Mission trips to Nicaragua and Panama. We have been able to establish Hearts and Hands for Jesus International to encourage the ongoing work of building God's Kingdom on Earth. God's Love does marvelous things and we are Thankful, and Blessed by your Love, Prayers, and Support. We look forward to where God leads and guides us in the coming years as we work together as His disciples proclaiming Christ to the nations! Serving Christ In Costa Rica, Crosby and Pastor Sally Johnson We continue to seek prayer for: God's guidance, healing, and wisdom Health and safety for Crosby and I Creativity and patience working with our students and families Monthly financial support for us and to meet 2019 educational and food needs in the community and church Needed repairs and maintenance at church and mission house For those we serve, health and safety and increased understanding of what it means to follow Jesus Revival October 23rd-27th, “Revive Us Holy Spirit, Let Your Fire Fall” Youth Encounter “Celebrate Jesus” November 16th Remember to Check out the 30 days of Thankfulness Calendar and Giving Tuesday December 3rd Follow us on Facebook Hearts and Hands for Jesus, on Instagram hh4jint, or visit our website at Dear Friends of Sally and Crosby, I am writing on behalf of the Board of Hearts and Hands for Jesus, to bring Fall Greetings, and to thank you sincerely for your generosity and faithful support of the Johnsons’ mission work. Three months from today, on December 3, 2019, we will again be participating in Giving Tuesday, a worldwide day of giving and sharing. This year, we have an opportunity to continue to build and expand on our educational help to students and funding of the Food Bank, as well as providing some much needed ‘cost of living’ funds to Sally and Crosby for things such as medical care, housing repairs, and hopefully a trip to the US for both of them sometime in 2020. Because of your continued support, we were able to purchase a newer van for Sally and Crosby this past January. We would ask that you keep these issues in prayer as we approach the holiday season and Giving Tuesday 2019 on December 3rd. Thanks once again for your support and prayers, and may God bless you richly! Sincerely, Dr. Gregg Peters, Treasurer Thoughts from one of the youth that went to Niko Camp:
I went down to BriBri to my first 5-day camping trip, and after those 5 days I learned that God is with us in every situation, event, or activity that we face. Everyday we prayed and in every activity that we did, we had to consider God as our helper, guide, and motivator. There were times that I wanted to quit, and there were times where I talked to God to ask him what to do in these situations; and without fail, He answered my prayers. He gave me strength to keep going, He protected us in difficult situations, He motivated me to just ask him for help, not my teammates or counselors, just HIM. And with that, I got to meet some amazing people whom I shared similar life experiences with. We shared difficult times, we gave each other motivation, we inspired each other to never give up, we even shared hilarious moments together, as if we were a family. Everyday I learned more about God and his ways of teaching others about life, carrying burdens and letting them go, that there's NOTHING that can stop His love, and that WE set ourselves limits in life, not GOD, and because of that we don't get a chance to grow and see what he has planned for us. Although we might not like His ways, there's a reason why He does it. In those 5 days, I experienced a lot of discipline, which I enjoyed, because in life, you need it. If you don’t discipline yourself or practice self-control, you're pleasing yourself more than pleasing God. I unfortunately have tried self discipline many, many, many times, and failed. I made many excuses, and procrastinated a lot, "Ohh I'll ready my bible tomorrow, I don't have time" not realizing that I did have time, and plenty. So I thank the Niko camp for giving me an eye-opening, fun, adventurous, and strict learning experience in those amazing 5 days! Greetings from Limon! So much has been happening here in our ministry. We are excited and anxious to bring you up to date with some of the happenings. God continues to place a burden in our hearts for the children, youth, and young adults in our community. It becomes more apparent each day how very much they need a personal relationship with Jesus.
Recently, one of our young men was in a serious motorcycle accident. In our prayer meeting the night of his accident we had a burden to pray against motorcycle accidents and death. We called out everyone we knew in our families and church that has a motorcycle. Little did we know we were interceding specifically for this young man at the very time of his accident. Given the specifics of his accident, it is a miracle he is alive. He has given all Praise to God who saved Him and announced to the church on the first Sunday he was able to worship that he is giving his life to God. We assist many in the community through our educational outreach. The families of one young man and his two cousins live in poverty. Their home life is very difficult. While helping and interacting with these boys we shared about Jesus, fed them, and invited them to come to the church and youth group. Unfortunately, they took advantage of our help and actually robbed our home. I was very angry and hurt at first, but God placed compassion in my heart. I realized how lost they were, how they felt no hope, and how the choices they were making were destructive. In time I began to pray for them. This past week I was shocked to find out this 15 year old boy died of kidney failure. It grieved my spirit deeply as I do not know if he accepted Christ into his life. My hope is the love and help we shared with him allowed him to see and know Jesus. Many youth and young adults believe they can live the life they want and when they are “ready,” accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. I want them to know and understand they need Jesus NOW! The church youth and children continue to seek Christ. They study his word and develop a relationship with him in Sunday School, Youth Group, and at Prayer meetings. They rejoice in Him through worship and serve Him through cleaning the church and yard, sharing meals and clean up, dramas, dance, and songs. I want them to learn that we need to choose Jesus every day. Hearts and Hands for Jesus sponsored a Youth Encounter titled “Celebrate Jesus,” with Evangelist Willie Byfield. The goal was to bring youth from different churches together; helping them to know other Christians and providing an opportunity to bring friends that do not attend church anywhere. We plan to hold similar ecumenical youth events several times throughout the year. We had a total of 52 youth and their leaders at this first event! The youth and young adults had interactive activities to get aquainted, they shared special music and dance, worshipped, learned about Jesus, and fellowshiped. The day was a huge success as they sang, “I know Who God says I am, What He says I am, Where He says am at, I know who I am, I am walking in Power, I'm working miracles, I life a Life of Favor, Cause I know who I Am.” As we approach the middle of our school year I am pleased to report the students are doing very well as reflected in the report cards they are sharing with us. Educational support remains a major need for many throughout the year. Students require materials for projects, funds to cover costs for testing, new shoes, uniform replacement, graduation packets, and bus passes. Please continue to support this ministry. Your support shows these families God's Love, brings Hope, and Changes lives. We just celebrated Pentecost in our Church. This year our church was adorned with two new beautiful Pentecost banners that the youth and young adults made with missionaires Marsha Reiber and Sue Crone earlier this year. During this time they learned the spiritual meanings of the banners and more about each other. Marsha had brought the patterns from her church Shiloh UCC in Pa. Sue took the banner patterns back to her home church , Embrace UMC, in Kentucky. As we move forward in this Pentecostal Season may we realize we NEED JESUS in order to have the Power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. “All Over the World, All Over the World, His Spirit is Moving, All Over the World. He's Touching the Nations, He's Making Us One His Spirit it Moving, All Over the World.” Serving Christ in Costa Rica, Crosby and Sally Johnson We continue to seek prayer for: 1. God's guidance, healing, and wisdom 2. Health and safety for Crosby and I 3. Creativity and patience working with our students and families 4. Monthly financial support for us and to meet 2019 educational and food needs in the community and church 5. Needed repairs and maintenance at church and mission house 6. For health and safety and increased understanding of what it means to follow Jesus for all we serve through our mission. 7. Youth going to NIKO Camp June 30-July 4 8. Virginia CREW I July 5-12 Follow us on Facebook Hearts and Hands for Jesus, on Instagram hh4jint, or visit our website at This past January, Marsha Reiber and I were able to work with Pastor Sally and several youth and young adults on creating banners for the church in costa Rica. It was new skill development (sewing and painting) for each of them but it was also an opportunity for fellowship and listening to what was happening in each others lives as well as a time to learn about the Bible stories that inspired the banners. Two of the banners are for Pentecost, a reminder of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Upon my return to Kentucky I decided to invite members of my church and individuals that attend our weekly community meal to also make the Pentecost banners. Again it has been a wonderful time to fellowship, learn more about each other and share God's love.
This Pentecost there will be banners hanging in Pennsylvania, Costa Rica, and Kentucky; the dove representing the Holy Spirit coming to all disciples and the flame representing the fire and power of the Spirit when we invite it's presence into our life. The Spirit allows us to share the hope and love of the Lord regardless of things we may see as barriers or differences such as language, ethnicity, race, social class or economic status. Praying you know the joy and blessings of the Holy Spirit in your life as we are all called to share God's love to all nations. Your support of Hearts and Hands for Jesus through prayer, sharing of talents and financial gifts is greatly appreciated. It impacts the building of God's kingdom and empowerment of Christ followers! Blessings to each of you on your journey, Sue Crone Church camp.... ahhh, the memories! Many of you may also have fond memories of your experiences at church camp. For me, it was Camp Michauex. My first time I was SOOOO homesick the entire week, but in later years it was the highlight of my summers. Camp was a time of relaxing in the beautiful world created by God. It was a time of learning about the Lord with other believers; a time of fellowship, personal growth, reflection, and really examining what God wants each of us to become. Friendships were formed, many lasting to this day.
Please consider a gift to support participation of youth in Costa Rica in NIKKO camp this summer. Help someone to grow in their relationship with the Lord through this wonderful opportunity! May the Lord bless you always – Sue Greetings to everyone from Costa Rica! We are sorry that we did not send a newsletter out earlier this year; but God is moving in our church and ministry in so many ways. We are Amazed and Blessed by the growth and all that He is doing through the Hearts and Hands of so many people.
When I was teaching in Costa Rica the school emblem where I worked said, “To Grow in Wisdom and Knowledge.” God's desire for us is to diligently seek wisdom. He calls it a treasure. Godly wisdom is to be able to see things from the Lord's point of view and respond according to scriptural principals. This is our desire through our education outreach program in both Harvest Tabernacle and the community. We want to empower people in every area of their lives that they may be productive and know their worth. We want individuals to determine in their hearts the desire to pursue this great treasure, to study the Word, seek the Lord's will, and observe His principals in action leading to a full and abundant life. Education is a process and takes time. It begins by God placing compassion in your heart; a desire to help underprivileged and marginalized people. Your offerings, donations and prayers support children, youth, young adults, and single mothers in attending school. Many would be unable to attend without this help. Your gifts allow us to purchase backpack supplies, books, uniforms, shoes, required insurance policies, and other required items to begin school. Our education program continues to help students with project materials, exam fees, bus passes, photo copies, and various other needs throughout the school year. The students study hard and show accountability throughout the year. This year we were able to help 122 students to begin the 2019 school year. Praise God, this was an increase from 2018! We continue to need help with the yearly expenses, especially buying subject books. Last year was a difficult school year for students as there was a national strike from September through November. The students only completed two semesters of studies. Students that passed those semesters were moved on to the next grade. We did have a total of 10 graduates from kindergarten through high school. Several of these promotions were firsts in their families. We had two short term missionaries staying with us the last few months. Sue Crone and Marsha Reiber taught the word in Sunday School and Youth group. They also came to share of their gifts and talents by teaching basic sewing skills and crafts. The participants learned to make pillow cases, tote bags, flower arrangements, sashes for praise team skirts, and banners. In March we were able to testify of God's goodness and provision. For over three years we have been praying, fasting, and raising funds for a newer van for us and our ministry. I wrote down on a paper exactly what we needed and wanted in the van. God provided us with a 2012 automatic diesel Hyundai H1, a 12 passenger van. The church celebrated with us and we prayed Blessing over it giving God all the praise and glory. THANK YOU to everyone who heard our cry and contributed to the purchase of this vital tool for our mission. Our God is Awesome and we are so excited about what He is doing in our lives and ministry! As each of us continue to study God's word and seek His will He will pour out wisdom and knowledge into our mind and spirit. “I love those who love me, and those who diligently seek me will find me.”Proverbs 8:17 Love and Blessings, Crosby and Pastor Sally Johnson We continue to seek prayer for: 1. God's guidance, healing, and wisdom 2. Health and safety for Crosby and I 3. Creativity and patience working with our students and families 4. Monthly financial support for us and to meet 2019 educational and food needs in the community and church 5. Needed repairs and maintenance at church and mission house 6. For health and safety and increased understanding of what it means to follow Jesus for all we serve through our mission. Please continue to follow us on Facebook 'Hearts and Hands for Jesus' or at We say that time flies, 2018 is over and 2019 is here. When I reflected back on 2018, as in life, there was things planned and unplanned, God opening doors and closing doors, trials and tribulations, Joys and sorrows, but most important seeing God's hand move and guide us thoughout it all. I was reminded as Solomon, without Christ there is nothing and each and every day His Grace and Mercy is NEW. I have so much to share and testify of the Glory of the Lord in our Ministry of Hearts and Hands for Jesus and Harvest Tabernacle.
Highlights of 2018 • Harvest Tabernacle: 2 Baby Dedications, 6 Baptisms Youth and Young Adult Ministries Bible Study Group 2 weekly Prayer Meetings Visitation, Visitors, Shut ins and Sick • Outreach ministries in BriBri, Talamanca and providing in our home a place to stay for families having doctor visits, and other types of training in Limon • Youth and Young Adult from Harvest Tabernacle and BriBri Church Retreat in Talamanca • Education Outreach ministry in our church and community, helping over 100 children, youth, single mother's, and young adults with educational needs from kindergarten to University. • Food Bank Outreach ministry in our church and community, helping needy families and individuals with harvested products from our farm and nursery as well as basic food staples. • Crosby helping with community development with local fishermen • Woman's Retreat at Harvest Tabernacle • Numerous visitors, Pastors, and missionaries from the USA and Nicaragua who helped, taught, and encouraged Harvest Tabernacle, us, and our ministry • Hosted and housed 12 visitors in our home • Sharing and participating in spiritual growth and the ecumenical work in our community with McDougall International. • Distribution of Christmas presents and Clothing donated throughout the year to our church, community, and mission outreach to BriBri • “100th” Birthday Celebration of our oldest church member Sister Elizabeth Kleir • Mission Trip to Pa. Ministering in 7 churches and various groups In closing I am excited to be a servant of the Living God, filled with Hope and Wonder of 2019. Paul says, “I do not consider, brethren, that I have captured and made it my own [yet]; but one thing I do—it is my one aspiration: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the {supreme and heavenly} prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. Here am I Lord, Send Me! May God continue to use our Hearts and Hands together as we Proclaim Jesus! In Christ, Crosby and Pastor Sally Johnson I was recently listening to a radio program discussing world finances and heard this statement, “If you have a working refrigerator in your home, you are among only about 10% of the world’s population.” My first thought was “NO WAY”… This was a real ‘eye opener’ for me (of course Marsha and I have 2 refrigerators, as I’m sure many of you do). Even if this percentage is not exact, it’s clear that in America most of us are blessed beyond measure. Some of us are already making plans for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, days where we GET DEALS and SPEND.
I’d like to make you aware of another tradition that began in 2012, and continues to gain momentum each year, #GivingTuesday. This year, #GivingTuesday is taking place on November 27 (always the day after Cyber Monday). It’s a day that encourages us to think about, talk about, and participate in this season of GIVING. Since it’s beginning, #GivingTuesday has raised hundreds of millions worldwide for non-profit organzations, as well as increasing numbers of volunteers and acts of kindness toward these charities. This year, Hearts and Hands for Jesus will be participating for the first time in #GivingTuesday, and we hope we can count on your help on November 27. Help us BREAK THE CHAINS OF POVERTY by educating youth, providing school supplies, and teaching them about Jesus Christ. By providing money for our Food Bank, and by supporting our missionaries, Pastor Sally and Crosby Johnson. MORE GREAT NEWS! On November 27, Facebook and PayPal are partnering to MATCH YOUR DONATIONS! Facebook will be partnering with PayPal up to $7 million in donations that are made on Facebook. Just donate THROUGH OUR FACEBOOK PAGE, HEARTS AND HANDS FOR JESUS, and your $10 donation will become $20, $50 will become $100, etc. (Facebook currently supports the following payment methods for donations: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Debit and Prepaid Cards, or PayPal.) HEARTS AND HANDS FOR JESUS WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL OUR FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS FOR THEIR CONTINUED HELP WITH OUR MISSION, AND THANKS IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR SUPPORT ON #GIVINGTUESDAY! In His Love, Dr. Gregg Peters, Treasurer, Hearts and Hands for Jesus |