Core Values
Empowerment When I traveled to Costa Rica, I thought we were going to build an ecumenical worship center. The first two trips I quickly realized that if people in Costa Rica wanted something built, they wouldn't hire a bunch of slow gringos.
Yet we got much work done.
As CREW members, we were given a glimpse into the lives of people from an unfamiliar place. We brought a spark of motivation to initiate projects that we believed would help the community and by having Sally Jane and Crosby serving in Limon, HH4J was able to empower local church and community members to identify needs and important projects. Therefore, I think the work HH4J does to empower the church of Limon is tangible, and amounts to much more change than any CREW team or individual leader can attain alone. The sign of great leadership is to empower members of the community to help better their lives and the lives of others.
Providing sustenance from the gardens, school supplies to those who want to learn, ministry for those who want to draw closer to Christ, and connection between so many churches to the church in Limon, Costa Rica are all ways that HH4J empowers CREW members, church members and community members in Limon to know Jesus' love.
- CREW members -
Empowerment is based on the fact that every human being is created in the image of God. Further, we are empowered by the divine promise that God has good plans for us in a Shalom future for eternity in God’s Peaceable Kindom.
(*Kindom is a new theological term defined as God’s eternal reign with us and all creation as family or kin.)
What has empowered you on your life journey? Who has encouraged you? What spiritual foundation has helped you, what education, talents and skills have you developed? All of this is important for any human being to have a meaningful, productive, good, and successful life. This is precisely what we support in the mission and ministry of Sally and Crosby Johnson, Harvest Tabernacle Church, and HH4J in Limon, Costa Rica.
- Rev. Austin Chinault, Board President -
Shrewdness Often when we hear the word “shrewd” many negative thoughts or images may come to mind, a shrewd person may be seen as wily and manipulative but is really more than those negative images. One that is shrewd is someone that is clever, discerning and having sharp powers of judgement. They can look at a situation and quickly use their acute perception and sound judgement to their advantage.
We choose shrewdness as a value for this mission because we know the importance of our work in Kingdom building and want to use the support we receive to the greatest advantage for those we serve. We seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our decisions on projects and use of donated funds. We know and appreciate the sacrifice of those that share gifts.
Two examples of our shrewdness in action is choosing to purchase some of this year's school supplies in the US. Prices were much lower in the US than in Costa Rica, we paid no taxes as we are tax exempt, and a work team that would be going to Limon in January have the ability to transport the items at no additional baggage cost. Some items were even purchased on Amazon using Amazon Smiles which gives a percentage of the purchase back to our mission. We pray the Spirit will continue to guide us in shrewd decisions.
- Sue Crone, Board Member -
Empowerment When I traveled to Costa Rica, I thought we were going to build an ecumenical worship center. The first two trips I quickly realized that if people in Costa Rica wanted something built, they wouldn't hire a bunch of slow gringos.
Yet we got much work done.
As CREW members, we were given a glimpse into the lives of people from an unfamiliar place. We brought a spark of motivation to initiate projects that we believed would help the community and by having Sally Jane and Crosby serving in Limon, HH4J was able to empower local church and community members to identify needs and important projects. Therefore, I think the work HH4J does to empower the church of Limon is tangible, and amounts to much more change than any CREW team or individual leader can attain alone. The sign of great leadership is to empower members of the community to help better their lives and the lives of others.
Providing sustenance from the gardens, school supplies to those who want to learn, ministry for those who want to draw closer to Christ, and connection between so many churches to the church in Limon, Costa Rica are all ways that HH4J empowers CREW members, church members and community members in Limon to know Jesus' love.
- CREW members -
Empowerment is based on the fact that every human being is created in the image of God. Further, we are empowered by the divine promise that God has good plans for us in a Shalom future for eternity in God’s Peaceable Kindom.
(*Kindom is a new theological term defined as God’s eternal reign with us and all creation as family or kin.)
What has empowered you on your life journey? Who has encouraged you? What spiritual foundation has helped you, what education, talents and skills have you developed? All of this is important for any human being to have a meaningful, productive, good, and successful life. This is precisely what we support in the mission and ministry of Sally and Crosby Johnson, Harvest Tabernacle Church, and HH4J in Limon, Costa Rica.
- Rev. Austin Chinault, Board President -
Shrewdness Often when we hear the word “shrewd” many negative thoughts or images may come to mind, a shrewd person may be seen as wily and manipulative but is really more than those negative images. One that is shrewd is someone that is clever, discerning and having sharp powers of judgement. They can look at a situation and quickly use their acute perception and sound judgement to their advantage.
We choose shrewdness as a value for this mission because we know the importance of our work in Kingdom building and want to use the support we receive to the greatest advantage for those we serve. We seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our decisions on projects and use of donated funds. We know and appreciate the sacrifice of those that share gifts.
Two examples of our shrewdness in action is choosing to purchase some of this year's school supplies in the US. Prices were much lower in the US than in Costa Rica, we paid no taxes as we are tax exempt, and a work team that would be going to Limon in January have the ability to transport the items at no additional baggage cost. Some items were even purchased on Amazon using Amazon Smiles which gives a percentage of the purchase back to our mission. We pray the Spirit will continue to guide us in shrewd decisions.
- Sue Crone, Board Member -